Posted on 5/17/2021
Oxygen sensors have a specific job to do, and that is to check the oxygen levels in your vehicle. They send their findings straight to your vehicle's powertrain control module, and from there important information regarding your exhaust system is processed to detect any potential problems. Your oxygen sensor does its part in modulating these oxygen levels in your exhaust. This helps in detecting issues with the balance between fuel and oxygen inside the exhaust system. When this delicate balance gets disrupted, you'll know. You will start to notice changes right away which signal the need for immediate attention. Yes, it is possible to have too much or too little air inside your exhaust. Too much of it tells you that there is a fuel deficiency, whereas too much of it indicates that your oxygen levels are too low. Either way, the powertrain control module receives this vital information and starts to adjust those levels accordingly. If fuel levels are off, adjustments will be ... read more