July 4th is a special day when it comes to celebrating our Independence Day here in the United States and gathering with loved ones for a good time. Even know our July 4th celebrations have changed due to the current pandemic, you may still be able to have a good time with your household and enjoy some fireworks. You may even be planning to light up the grill and get a BBQ going. Our Independence Day is notorious for having an increase in vehicles on the road and more people out and about, so if you are planning on having fun this weekend it is important to remember certain safety tips.
Here are some ways in which you can remain safe while celebrating July 4th this year:
If you're planning on traveling anywhere, make sure that your vehicle is in good condition before you leave. You don't want to find yourself stranded with car trouble along the way. Here at Lorentz Automotive, we can provide a vehicle inspection before your long trip to verify that your vehicle can handle the drive. If we find anything that should be taken care of before you go, we take care of it for you right here at our shop.
July 4th is statistically one of the most dangerous days in the United States to drive, mainly in connection with the higher rate of alcohol consumption. While driving, we recommend practicing defensive driving and remaining as aware of your surroundings as possible. It also helps to know your driving route ahead of time so you don't get lost or need to rely on GPS along the way, which can be distracting at times.
If you're planning on lighting fireworks, whether or not they are just sparklers or other fun legal options, use caution. Don't light them when people are close by, nearby other homes, or around flammable items. Only light them is safe places and use caution around fire. Do not allow small children to handle fireworks.
Since the 4th will fall on a hot day, it is recommended to practice summer safety. Stay hydrated at all times and bring extra water with you wherever you go. If you're planning on grilling, remember grilling and fire safety. Don't let small children around hot grills and take caution when lighting any fires.
Protect yourself from the sun! If you'll be outside all day, be sure to use sun protection on your skin and wear appropriate clothing, hats, and sunglasses.
One important thing to remember is driving safety. With the increase of alcohol consumption on July 4th, be sure to have a safe ride to and from your destination. Please don't drink and drive, or allow an intoxicated person to drive you. Have a designated driver planned or get a ride from a rideshare app or taxi. If you can't find a way to drive without drinking, celebrate safely at home.
We hope that these safety tips will allow you to have an amazing July 4th holiday. We wish you the best, and Happy Independence Day!